ZHR- 200
Size: 1200 x 1730 x 2045mm
Widely used in silicon-based, compound semiconductors, filters, advanced packaging, power devices, Micro LEDs and other fields.

Product Advantages:

  1. Temperature range: 400~1300℃
  2. SEMI S2 certification, including toxic gas options, using NH3 for advanced applications
  3. Halogen lamp series: Max 1200deg.C
  4. Best Environmental Control <2ppm O2 - Low concentration treatment with high TPT
  5. Occupied area 1.8m²- High utilization of clean room space and high wafer yield per unit area
  6. Communication Protocol – Fast, Easy, and Efficient Maintenance
No stage Purpose Quantity Slot Technical parameters note
1 Cassette Stage A, B Cassette 6” or 8” 2 25(26) 1) Detection Sensor by Cassette Size
2) Wafer Slide Detection Sensor
2 Wafer Aligner Wafer Centering 1 1 1) Drive by Air Cylinder2) Wafer Detection Sensor3) Chuck Material : Peek
3 Robot Wafer Conveying 1 1 1) Wafer Detection Sensor (Vaccum)2) Chuck Material : Peek
4 Dummy Stage Dummy Wafer Stock 1 2 1) Stage Material : POM
5 Cool Stage A, B Wafer Cooling 2 1 1) Cooling Method : Cooling Water2) Wafer Detection Sensor3) Drive by Air Cylinde4) Stage Material : SUS 3045) Pin Material : Quartz
6 Wafer Stock Susceptor Stock Slot 1 5 1) 5-Slot (6:” Wafer)2) Material : POM SPECIAL OPTION